Saint Jude(Agios Ioydas o Thaddaios), whose memory we honour on the 19th of June each year, is one of the glorious martyrs of Christianity.
The Apostle Judas brought the nickname Thaddaeus or Levvaios . The life in Christ was similar to the other Apostles .
After Pentecost , after working briefly in the Church of Jerusalem, preached the Gospel in Mesopotamia between many risks.
But Judas , worthy apostle of Christ, full of self-denial, finally martyred in Edessa.
In the New Testament, we have a Catholic Epistle of Jude, which is short, but full of real life messages. Do you advise to Christians living in the corrupt world from sin :
" Ye do not, dear, the most holy faith building ourselves to You, Holy Spirit , prayer , love ourselves in God compliance accepting mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life "
( Jude 20-21 Epistoli.). That "translates": You, unlike the corrupt world, build yourselves upon the foundation of the Most Holy faith with prayer conducted with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
so that you keep and maintain yourselves in the love of God, waiting with confidence the mercy of Christ, and aiming to achieve eternal life.
Saint Ioudas was a brother of Our Lord Jesus Christ and it is widely believed he has special power to help all Christians.
Blessed is Saint Ioudas and blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lets hope Saint Ioudas through the Mother of God intercede to our Lord Jesus Christ to show mercy on all people ahead of the testing times to come.